Dear Professors, Secretaries, and Students,
The NSTC 2025 Subsidy for Undergraduate Student Research Projects is now call for online applications from today until February 19, 2025. Please refer to the attachment for the application guidelines.
Please complete the application process (students → departments → advisors) within the specified timeframe. Professors are encouraged to motivate students (excluding students from Mainland China) to actively apply for this program. Thank you.
一、補助經費項目Subsidy Items
- 研究助學金:每月6,000元,8個月總計48,000元。
Project Research Scholarship:NT$6,000 per month, totaling NT$48,000 for 8 months.
- 耗材、物品、圖書及雜項費用:依研究計畫實際需要擇優補助,每一計畫最高補助20,000元。
Materials, Supplies, Books and Miscellaneous Expenses: Subsidies will be awarded based on the actual needs of the research project, with a maximum subsidy of NT$20,000 per project.
Students applying for Undergraduate Student Research Projects are required to complete at least six hours of academic ethics education and training, and submit the relevant certification documents to the Office of Research and Development for record.
三、線上申請作業流程Online application Process
學生繳交送出→系所主管確認(請系所秘書幫忙) →指導教授確認並上傳「指導教授初評意見表」→彙整人員確認→完成
Student submits the application → Department chair confirms (please ask the department secretary for assistance) → Advisor confirms and uploads the "Advisor's Preliminary Evaluation Form" → Coordinator reviews the materials → Completed.